My intelligence background and writing thriller novels.
I have worked as a journalist overseas, at the While House for the NRCC, and in the intelligence world several years in the early 2000s. Thanks to the US Office of Personnel Management data leak, I think several intelligence agencies know this and more. I have posted, a letter as I can not talk about the specifics much.
You can see a letter signed by a former CIA Director related to my work at the following site:
What I learned from writing two spy thrillers! "Incorporating real events provides good context, creating believable characters is important, writing about places you know/have lived in provides realism, writing an original and exciting story is all important, and creating story lines that are unpredictable, but provide readers what they expect in a thriller is necessary. Doing all of what I have stated is very difficult, but can be satisfying."
"Russia Rising" and "Return to Little Russia" are available on